Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Buoyed By Its Power

Buoyed By Its Power

It nourishes bringing peace

Graxim: 9/13/20:

There is a power that flows within you and through you, Authentic Love. It is a power of great purity, compassion and healing. It is a Presence that fills, nourishes and cleanses, bringing peace and vitality. Its vibratory frequency aligns all things to itself.

You, dear reader, dear listener, have the opportunity, the choice, to open to this power and allow it to flow into and through you. You can choose to effortlessly ride, as though buoyed by its power. Authentic Love expresses as clean and pure, devoid of clutter and filtering. Total integrity, authenticity and unconditionality are its signature.

The pure Love within yourself is also present in a new energy that is dismantling the old energies on planet Earth, birthing a new planet and a new human. Anything that fails to align with pure Love cannot survive. This cleansing process facilitates your evolution, allowing you to be who you truly are.

As a developing new human, it is no longer possible to stay on the fence. Lifetime after lifetime you have been conditioned to believe that you are so much less than who you are. This planet, a realm of duality, facilitates the discovery of your essence—who you really are. Opposites exist to assist you in this discovery process. For example, a person feeling insecure puts down or criticizes a coworker. The person can choose to ignore the unpleasant feelings in the solar plexus, which is the High Self signal that demeaning another is not a loving thing to do or to attend to them. The person can then choose to look within and discover what caused the unloving behavior creating an opportunity for change: “I do not wish to engage in critical or judgmental behavior. I choose to be compassionate and loving toward myself and others.”
This step provides an awareness about who that individual does not wish to be, clarifying who he or she does want to be.

Authentic Love understands the importance of opposites. It guides the human in discovering balance by refusing to judge either aspect of a duality.

This message is your invitation to investigate and to allow your Divinity to take you into a state of completion, peace, authenticity and integration. Stay the course despite confusion, obstacles and or discouragement. Ask us for help. We provide it without condition. Honor and respect yourselves and your journey. It is truly sacred.

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Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Love: from self-love to God is Love, and everything in between. Includes channeled messages, commentary, personal experiences and stories.
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Philip Cope