Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Despairing of Love

Despairing of Love

Do you?


Love is what most humans have forgotten to open their hearts and attend to, make a priority.   Humans have despaired of attaining Love.  Many no longer believe that It exists or is possible for them to experience.  They have given up.  Their faith and hope are gone.  Humans use life experiences to prove that Authentic Unconditional Love does not exist.  They unconsciously conspire and manipulate to get love.  When their attempts fail, they surmise that no one cares and they are alone in an uncaring universe.  Their science has proven that humans live in an unfriendly universe, a disinterested machine moving toward nothingness.  Humans are a chance occurrence and no one cares if they live or die.  

Oh, dear human, this could not be farther from the truth.  Humans were created from Love and are sustained through Love.  It is the self-imposed imprisonment of separateness, isolation and insulation that prevents experience Love.  Humans in third dimensional life have chosen to take themselves far from the Ocean of Love.  The experience of Union with All and with the waiting Loving Family exists within the same container as separation.  Love envelops all of it.  One need only open the door and invite Love in.  It awaits your invitation.

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Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Love: from self-love to God is Love, and everything in between. Includes channeled messages, commentary, personal experiences and stories.
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Philip Cope