Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Mature Love

Mature Love

Love is a paradox.


Today I wish to discuss an aspect of Love not yet covered in any detail, that is, Love’s ability to revolutionize your world.   

Love requires maturity.  Maturity requires resolution of fears and old psychological baggage.  Otherwise, Authentic Love cannot be experienced and expressed.  Giving and or receiving are difficult.  

Love is a paradox. It does not do anything, yet it does everything.   Humans think in terms of work, behavior, actions and activities, judging them as either loving or unloving.   Love is not doing, but rather being.  It is a Presence whose quality is its action.  One’s Loving presence is the therapeutic impact of human Authentic Love.  

Most humans fail to recognize the significance of their role, power and value, which arise from who they are, their being and Light rather than by what they do.  It is your Light and the quality of your Authentic Love that is defeating the darkness and creating the rapid changes on your planet.  The phrase “stepping into your power” has nothing to do with physical strength or power over others, which is fear based.  Authentic power involves recognizing who you are (Authentic Love) and residing there as much as possible.  

Stepping into your power means allowing yourself to BE Who You Are.  Fear erodes this maturity of being.  Humans tend to assume that control over self and others creates safety.  Ironically, safety requires mature being, that is, allowing one’s essence to fully enter oneself.  Fear cannot exist in this state. 

Is it possible to be fearless?  Is it possible to be fully empowered?  Is it possible to allow all that one is to function and to take center stage, leaving all fear-based patterns behind?  Is it possible for a human to experience true freedom?

If power resides within you, if you have free choice and are the creator your reality, what would stand in your way of attaining freedom?  We refer you to the second sentence of paragraph number two of this message.  Beloved Condur, you have no idea of the magnitude of what humans are capable of creating in these new energies! 

Commentary: Philip

What is power, authentic power? Could it be that your own greatest power does not involve doing? Could it be that authentic power does not mean “power over another”? What if your own power is the power of who you are, the being of you? Welcome to a new paradigm of power, the greatest and most authentic power.

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Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Love: from self-love to God is Love, and everything in between. Includes channeled messages, commentary, personal experiences and stories.
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Philip Cope