Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
The Body's Values

The Body's Values

It can tell you much


Love is all there is.  The body knows Love and responds to it.  You feel Love during meditation.  You feel it in the presence of other Loving beings and in nature. These feelings always occur in your body.  Where I am going with this may be coming clear to you.  The body is the receiver, the transmitter and the generator of love.  Surrender and allow the body to do all that it was designed for.  Love is at the core of body impulses, desires and functions.  In fact, it is Love that holds the body together.  The body is not the enemy.  It is your best friend, your ally, and most trust worthy aspect.  You may not like all you experience in your body or feel in your body, but it is the seat of authenticity.  Believe it or not, it delivers the truth.  

The intellect is not the seat of authenticity, the governor of honesty or the truth-teller.  Its guidance is worthless.  It is an analyzer.  The facts are always presented for analysis.  The intellect finds patterns, collects data and dissects.  It cannot take you to your soul or guide you to your essential self.  It is the body and the heart in concert that take you where you want to go.  The longings, yearnings and aching of the heart, that is the “heart’s dreaming,” belong to the body, namely in the “heart” of the body.  When you blend the energies of life in the body with the energy of the heart’s dreaming, a power of great magnitude is created.  The yearning of the heart can utilize this power to reach its destination, that is, its dreams, visions and Love.  

One of these energies is the erotic, sexual, ecstatic arousal.  This energy is feared by many humans.  Becoming overwhelmed, annihilated and or deranged are some of the fears in reaction to it.  Ironically, it is the stifling of this energy that will derange, not the energy itself.  Erotic energy itself is life giving, and pleasurable.  It has the potential to be the source of bliss and ecstasy.  Many humans have been taught that this energy is bad, that it is the source of exploitation, with the potential to distract and interfere with the “important,” practical requirements and needs of living.  It is seen as a meaningless instant of fun that fades ever so quickly, if one feels any fun at all.  It is, then, seen as a waste of ones energies to pursue this joy, to respond to the siren’s call to love, to make love, to allow love-making to flow, to unfold, to awaken oneself, to arouse oneself, to invite and allow bliss, to, for a moment, forget the lists, forget the conscientious choice, and yield to the heart, to the body and awaken.  As one awakens into bliss it no longer feels impractical, no longer feels like a waste of energy, but feels like the most important timeless moment ever.  

Consider these statements with your body.  Let your mind puzzle on something else. 

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Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love
Philip’s Substack - Authentic Love Podcast
Love: from self-love to God is Love, and everything in between. Includes channeled messages, commentary, personal experiences and stories.
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Philip Cope